
jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

For teh lulz

Bueno, luego de los contratiempos, ahora si, voy con las imágenes que iba a poner la otra vez. A mi en lo personal me hacen gracia, espero que a quien las vea mínimo un par le saquen la risilla =)

RGB, Red and Blue don't make orange
Car with hit score
Big ball Owned Pwned
Everybody Loves Rayquaza
Green Ranger: Everybody chill the fuck out, I got this
Bible joke: Create humans who do not know wrong from wight, then blame them doing wrong
Bible joke: Spoler, Jesus Dies
Rubik Cube Hammer
Mc. Donalds Vs Burger King
Fuck this, I'll be a Stripper
The Elves, scary tale
Xbox 360, Emo Kid Hero
Fat asian kid, I Came
Cell ugly cosplay, I am perfect
USA team Super Saiyan Gif
Nintendo Teacher
Hentai, Mommy, something is wrong with this Pokémon
Mortal Kombat, MK, Menstruality
Super Mario Bros Mushroom Dope
Mario Star Baww Hurt
Uchiha Surprise
Uchiha lolz genjutsu again
Metal Butterfly 80's Speed Metal
Metal Only
Metallica Megadeth Lars Ulrich Dave Mustaine new album napster lol

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